05 Oktober 2007

WARC’s Calling

(kiriman BPS Gereja Toraja)

Making a Difference

The world cries for justice…
Covenanting for justice in the economy and the earth.
Mobilizing churches to address economic and ecological justice issues advocating for justice models for trade, agriculture and economic

Some churches see membership dwindling…
Searching for spiritual renewal
Creating more meaningful forms of worship
Deepening the spiritual renewal of churches

The world is fragmenting…
Fostering communion within the reformed family and the unity of the church ecumenical.
Dialoguing with other communions on critical theological matters
Collaborating with church groups on a wide range of justice and theological issues

Churches are challenged to articulate the gospel message…….
Interpreting the Reformed tradition
Assisting churches in celebrating Reformed accomplishments
Developing leaders for churches

Churches wrestle with mission…
Fostering mission in unity, mission renewal and mission empowerment
Finding new ways to be in mission together
Strengthening the outreach of churches in all parts of the world

Women and girls suffer discrimination…
Promoting inclusively and partnership in church and society
Addressing gender inequality and violence
Making a place for women and youth in church and society.

Violence kills people and the planet…
Enabling Reformed churches to witness for justice and peace
Advocating for human right
Supporting peace initiatives

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